Study Permit

Study Permit

A worldwide perspective and fresh ideas are brought by international students, which is why they are valuable.

To maintain your student status, you will need to meet all of the following requirements:

  • Actively pursue studies.
  • Make reasonable progress towards completion.
Girl using laptop on table

Canada's Study Permit Process

Consider the value of international students who bring with them new ideas and a global perspective. One reason that studying in Canada may be an attractive option for a foreign student is the possibility of obtaining a high-quality education.

A study permit is “a written authorization to engage in academic, professional, vocational or other education or training in Canada that is issued by an officer to a foreign national” . In June 2014, the government introduced new rules, removed the definitions for “study” and “student” from the regulations, and created the International Student Program. Under this program, a study permit is issued when a foreign national has been accepted to undertake a program of study that is for more than six months in duration at a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada. Our study visa services ensure that foreign nationals with a study permit can effectively navigate these requirements. A foreign national with a study permit needs to demonstrate that they are “actively pursuing studies,” which means that they must remain enrolled and show that they are progressing toward the completion of a degree or diploma; otherwise, they risk being removed from Canada. The DLI is required to report international/students’ continued enrol-ment and academic status to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Why Study Visa to Canada?

  • Over 3 million student visas issued annually
  • Access to 3,500+ top universities
  • Choose from over 200,000 courses
  • Up to $2.1 million in scholarships available
  • High acceptance rate of 92%
  • Enjoy 2-8 years of post-study work permits

Expert Guidance for Your Study Permit Journey

Choosing the right immigration consultant is crucial to the success of your study permit application. At Pitch Immigration, we offer expert guidance backed by years of experience and in-depth knowledge of Canadian immigration laws and policies. From initial consultation to document preparation and submission, we are committed to providing personalized support tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

Get Started Today

Ready to take the next step toward your Canadian educational adventure? Contact us today at Pitch Immigration to schedule a consultation and let us help you navigate the path to academic excellence in Canada.


Absolutely! While we specialize in study permit applications, we also guide selecting the best educational institutions and programs to match your academic and career aspirations.

Eligibility criteria for study permits vary depending on your country of origin, intended length of study, and financial resources. Our team will assess your individual circumstances and ensure you meet all requirements before proceeding with your application

Processing times for study permit applications can vary, but on average, it takes several weeks to a few months. The time it takes to process your application can be affected by how many other applications there are and how complicated your case is.

Yes, most study permit holders are eligible to work part-time on or off-campus during their studies and full-time during scheduled breaks. Our team can provide guidance on the specific work conditions and restrictions associated with your study permit.

While a study permit refusal can be disheartening, it’s not the end of the road. Our consultants will review the reasons for refusal and explore alternative options or avenues for appeal, ensuring you have the best chance of overcoming any obstacles and pursuing your educational goals in Canada.